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meet the team


our mission

In a world that is often disconnected, stifling and negative we bring people together, to grow inside of a positive and encouraging environment.

Our Vision

To be leaders of change in our community through education, collaboration and innovation.

our purpose

To empower our community members to live a healthy and balanced lifestyle while teaching, training and equipping them with the tools and methods to lead others into the same lifestyles.


  1. We believe life should be enjoyed.

  2. We believe everyone we encounter is dealing with some form of pain.

  3. We believe in the simple not the complex.

  4. We believe the difficult things in life can become easier with a change of thought.

  5. We believe in deep collaboration.

  6. We believe a positive and encouraging environment is the best place to promote

  7. We believe in the importance of identifying and removing constraints on all levels.

  8. We believe improvement is an ongoing process.

  9. We believe humility is key in everything we do.

  10. We believe in the power of a healthy relationship.

The above can be summed up with Mark 12:30-31. Jesus says, "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. The second is this: Love your neighbor as yourself. There is no command greater than these."